Jennifer Konkol

Jennifer Konkol

"Positive Psychology Trainer, PosPsy"

"Positive Psychology Trainer, PosPsy"

Has achieved "Positive Psychology Trainer, PosPsy"

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About Jennifer Konkol

Jennifer Konkol is founder of Funkensprühen GmbH. Together with her business partners she accompanies her clients in transformation and development processes. Jennifer holds a master's degree in business psychology with a focus on business and organizational psychology. In her daily work, she also benefits from her coaching training and further training courses in the area of change and organisationa resilience. Since 2008, Jennifer has accompanied change processes in various forms and at companies of various sizes as a facilitator and consultant. At the Zurich University of Applied Sciences she was a lecturer and researcher in the field of new ways of working and change processes (and its correlation with stress & wellbeing).


«Employees that feel valued, connected and empowered build positive and strong organizations."

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