About Us / Resources / Commissions
About Us / Resources / Commissions
The Association "Institutes for Mindfulness Evolving" (In-Me)
was founded on 11 December 2018 in Berlin
The team for developing the In-Me curricula:
Yvonne van Dyck
Nada Kaiser
Stephanie Konkol
Rebecca Szeto
Petra Owen
Karin Pätze
Francis Bell
Fatiha Mabrok
Claudia Wilimzig
Arline Davis
Angela Bachfeld
Andrea Mills
Wolfgang Hoffmann
Werner Regen
Michael Bala
Karl Nielsen
Fernando Gil Sanguineti
Fernando Gil Sanllehí
Christian Hanisch
Bento Augusto da Cunha Santos
Gordan Blagoev
Lilianna Kupaj
1.“Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me”(at least 4 days / 30 hours)
Day 1: What do I really want in my life?
Day 2: What is my Body telling me?
Day 3: How do I cope with Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)?
Day 4: Future Pace and New Behavior Generator
The 30 hours can be as well spread over many evenings.
2.“Mindfulness Practitioner, In-Me”("Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me" + at least 8 days / 60 hours)
Day 1: Mindfulness based Body Intelligence
Day 2: Mindfulness based Spiritual Intelligence
Day 3: Mindfulness based Emotional Intelligence
Day 4: Mindfulness based Rational Intelligence
Day 5: Mindfulness based Creative Intelligence
Day 6: Mindfulness based Social Intelligence
Day 7: Mindfulness Intelligence
Day 8: Future Pace and New Behavior Generator
Entry qualification is "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me"
3. “Mindfulness Master, In-Me” (+ at least 12 days / 90 hours) Entry qualification is "Mindfulness Practitioner, In-Me"
4. “Mindfulness Coach, In-Me” (+ at least 12 days / 90 hours) Entry qualification is "Mindfulness Practitioner, In-Me"
5. “Mindfulness Trainer, In-Me” (+ at least 18 days / 120 hours) Entry qualification is "Mindfulness Coach, In-Me"
The courses are structured so that the main emphasis is on experiencing Mindfulness, being Mindful in touch with the other participants, and feeling the group experience and exchange, so that it is easily possible to do our trainings several times.
We use for these aima our special expertise in NLP, Coaching and Hypnosis.
4 days Mindfulness Trainer Training in Brazil
to become a seal entitled “Mindfulness Master Trainer, In-Me”
Minimum entrance qualification: “NLP Trainer, IN” or comparable.
Before the appointment as “Mindfulness Master Trainer, In-Me” basic competencies in breathing, yoga, meditation, coaching, and knowing basics about the MBSR-program is required. Parts of these competencies can be learned during and after the 4 days.
In the 4 days we work step by step through the In-Me qualification: “Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me”. This qualification is inspired by breathing, yoga and meditation from the MBSR-program and intensified by NLP and Coaching. The participants do the 4 days program and reflect the essential requirements for the conducting Master Trainer. Please see for the basic content of the 4 days the Certification Guidelines at https://in-me.world/about/curriculaTo see the Trainer Notes for “Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me” you need to login at one of our 5 associations where you are a member and go to: “About Us / Ressorces / Commissions / In-Me Curricula”
Master Trainer: Karl Nielsen
Time: 28-31 October 2019
Location: Estância Atibainha Hotel, near Sao Paulo in Brazil
About 50 km from the international airport Guarulhos in Sao Paulo
Pictures: https://atibainha.com.br/galeria/
Language: English with Portuguese translation
Price: 850 Euros for 4 days training, accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee break.
The World Congress in Sao Paulo is 17-19 October 2019: https://congressomundial.com/en/After the World Congress there is a Constellation Training with Rebecca Szeto on 20-21 October 2019 and Social Panorama with Lucas Derks on 21-23 October 2019.
Questions regarding entrance qualification: Mindfulness@in-ici.net
Registration: Renata Del Vecchio info@congressomundial.com
Please login to see the Trainer Notes for the 4 days "Mindfulness Intensive, In-Me". To see the Trainer Notes and to participate in the discussion you need to login at one of our 5 associations where you are a member and go there to: “About Us / Ressorces / Commissions / In-Me Curricula”.